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Tree of Light Retreats

Ayahuasca Retreats

Women's Safety with Ayahausca


For several years we offered Women’s Ayahuasca Retreats and during this time we witnessed the deep value and healing benefits for women to come together into a safe circle for deep transformation. As the years passed, we also gained deeper perspectives of how to create the most profound healing and safest environment we can offer to all those that come to work with us.

Carolina and Pedro are a husband and wife team and the creators of Tree of Light Retreats. They met in the jungle in 2012 and have been working side by side with the medicine ever since. They also have a beautiful daughter that completes their loving family. They know in their hearts that the retreats they lead together hold a very special and unique quality. For this reason Pedro and Carolina made a very considered decision to open up all groups to both men and women under their care as facilitators and healers.

Many women choose to come to a women’s retreat because in some form or another they hold a mistrust or discomfort with masculine energy. Whether they don’t feel respected by men, have been or have a fear of being taken advantage of, or are coming to heal histories of sexual or physical abuse.

Tree of Light Retreats has and will always honor this with a lot of care and respect, with the awareness that this is a very deep wound existing on our planet.

Pedro is an inspiring example of healed and integrated masculine energy, with a gentle awareness, deep respect for women and the traumas they have experienced, and strength in a way that empowers you to be safely guided to your own power as a woman through the balanced representation of both divine masculine and divine feminine. He is a very wise and experienced facilitator and has beautiful insights into the medicine and guiding people through their healing journey. Pedro has also been studying/training in the Shipibo tradition for many years. His icaros are gentle yet powerful in the same moment. There have been many women, who having suffered from past abuses, who found it had been Pedro singing for them that brought about some of their biggest and deepest healing. 


We recognize that each of us has a masculine and feminine side within us, and we feel that through honoring and nurturing these two complimentary sides that we can achieve the deepest and most complete state of wholeness within this balance.

Carolina and Pedro have also worked hard to always hold their relationship in the deepest love and respect. Many men and women have shared that seeing the relationship they share, held in such a positive light, has also brought a deep healing around their concepts of intimate relationship and divine partnership. It is with this in mind that we welcome both men and women into our all-inclusive healing space to heal together and integrate back into the world as women and men.

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