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2023 Retreat Schedule Release

Greetings everyone!

We wanted to share that our 2023 schedule is now listed on our website. We will be holding 6 or 7 small group retreats. We welcome 9 participants to each group.

Jan 21-29

March 22-30

May 11-19

July 7-15

Aug 22-30

Sept 27th-Oct 5th special low session rate (Not yet confirmed)

Dec 1-9

Each group will include:

4 Ceremonies

Plant Baths

Group Integration Circles

One on one facilitation with us

A half day trip to a beautiful beach

A half day trip to a beautiful waterfall

All groups will also include a traditional plant dieta. If it is your first retreat with us your diet will be with Bobinsana. A beautiful plant that works on the emotional body and opening the heart. It is an amazing ally for releasing grief, sadness, and connecting you to any supressed emotions so they can receive the proper care for healing. Those returning for the 2nd time have the option to begin dieting Noya Rao. The tree of light, that is an extraordinary spirit which connects us to the divine realms and helps bring a lot of clarity to the shadows we are transmuting.

Having the opportunity to diet is very special and sacred and not common with other medicine retreats. We have consistently seen how much deeper participants are able to go with this process.

We also are very happy to share that we are serving medicine grown sustainably in Costa Rica. The plants are so deeply cared for and the vine is never completely chopped down. Drinking living vine carrying the energy of this magical and peaceful land has been deeply healing for us as medicine carriers and also for our groups. With deep loving clarity.

As we close out our 2022 schedule we are so grateful to be offering the medicine work we do. The small groups allow us to give a lot of care and attention to each person both inside and outside of ceremony. We are seeing the most miraculous healings taking place and through our facilitation people are returning home with the tools to integrate and face whatever may come in the journey of life. As healers coming into our 11th year of serving we are well equipped for diagnosing and tranamuting energies and able to help in the healing of various levels of trauma.

Pedro and I, along with our support facilitators Ryan and Zulema are so happy to welcome those feeling the pull to work with us. It is our deep honor to help guide you through your healing process and bring you into the remeberance of how precious, worthy, and divine you are.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or would like to set up a call to see if the connection feels aligned.

Many beautiful blessings,

Carolina & Pedro

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