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UPDATE: Upcoming Retreats/Dietas June & August 2022!

Updated: Apr 27, 2022

The time has come for us to gather in a deep and intimate medicine retreat together this coming June 21st-29th 2022 and August 21st-29th 2022.

We have been holding retreats since 2014, each year evolving in their own way to create the most supportive healing environment we can offer. We as healers are constantly growing and expanding into greater levels of awareness as we open to deeper understandings and integration of teachings. This last year has been very deep for us and it has been a very beautiful experience to see how the many gifts are weaving into our ceremonies and guiding each special person that chooses to sit with us. It is with deep honor and respect that we hold the opportunity to be in service and assistance of your healing journey.

Holding an intimate space for healing and personal growth has always been of utmost importance to us. Over the years we have seen how beneficial it is to everyone’s process to be in a smaller group. Each person that joins us can know they will receive a very high level of care both inside and outside of ceremony. This group will have a maximum of 9 participants.

In addition to having Ayahuasca ceremonies this retreat will include a traditional plant dieta with Bobinsana. In the Shipibo tradition, which we have trained in since 2012, plant dieta is a regular practice and dedication for both learning and healing. As the dieta is opened in the first ceremony a connection is made for you to receive guidance and profound healing from the spirit of Bobinsana. Bobisana works to open up our emotional body, bring us into our hearts, and transform grief and heaviness. You will drink a preparation of this root 3 times during the dieta (this does not create any additional psychoactive effects). Please note our food diet will be kept quite simple. With nothing cold served, minimal salt, very minimal oil, no spice, and no sugar including fruit. Our chef is very creative and will still prepare us delicious inspired vegetarian meals!!. We encourage everyone to see the process of dieta as a time of offering and not so much as a sacrifice. As we offer ourselves up with making alterations in what we consume we make the space to receive all that the spirits of the plants and the divine have to share and awaken within us. If for any reason you do not wish to diet in this retreat please reach out to us to discuss. Click here to read more about Traditional Plant Dieta

We feel blessed to be working out of a beautiful and secluded retreat center in Tres Rios, Costa Rica. Tucked away in pristine nature with sunset views over the mountains and ocean. Each cabina has ample space to be shared between two people of the same sex or couples, each with a private sleeping space and 1 shared bathroom. All have a large balcony to sit in reflection and enjoy all the trees, plants, animals, and magic of the jungle.

What is included with this 8 night retreat:

4 Ayahuasca Ceremonies (one every other night)

Plant Dieta with Bobinsana

One on one facilitation support

Group integration circles

Gentle yoga

Half day visit to a beautiful waterfall

Half day visit to a nearby beach

Special closing dinner

Transportation to and from San Jose

Price is all inclusive from the moment we pick you up in San Jose to the time we drop you back off.

Retreat Cost: $3150 USD

We ask everyone to arrive in San Jose the day before the retreat begins. We will have a hotel meeting spot for an 8am pick up on the 21st.

We welcome those that are ready to do deep healing work. That feel ready to make big shifts within themselves, transform old belief systems that no longer serve them, respectfully and lovingly hold the hurt parts of themselves that are needing more love not less, and feel inspired to experience more of life through the divine expression of each of our souls on their own unique journeys.

If you would like to join us you can begin by filling out our medical form here

We also, ask everyone joining us or considering to join us to watch this 35 minute video of us sharing about our approach to medicine work

We would like to add one other important update, and that is as of April 1st 2022 Costa Rica has repealed all travel restrictions put in place during the past 2 years and so all travelers can once again enter under the previous immigration guidelines! Please review this article for details

Please feel free to reach out with any questions. We are always happy to set up a call or exchange messages!

WhatsApp: +506 8556 0634

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